
MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company

MuConseil est la Junior-Entreprise de l'ENSMM, c'est une association loi 1901 à but non lucratif et à vocation économique. Née de la volonté de 4 élèves ingénieurs de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de M...load more

MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's Basic Information

Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
Besançon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
Founded Year
11 - 50 ( View All )
Mechanical engineeringInformaticselectronicsCAOFAO

MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's Competitors

Air Clinic
Air Clinic

Arlington, Texas, United States

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AIR Conversion Technology, INC.
AIR Conversion Technology, INC.

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Wasco Engineering International Limited
Wasco Engineering International Limited

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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ABC Lifting Equipment Engineers Limited
ABC Lifting Equipment Engineers Limited

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Kito Europe GmbH
Kito Europe GmbH

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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Employee Insights

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Employee Location

MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's Top Employees


Nicolas Bodin

Maître de conférences - Directeur de l'option Ingénierie de l'innovation

Phone Email


Serge Pierlot

directeur adjoint du pà le relations entreprises

Phone Email


Sébastien Adam

Communication Manager

Phone Email

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company

Where is MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's headquarter located?
MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's headquarter are located at France.
How many employees does MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company have?
MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company has 11 - 50 employees.
What is MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's official website?
MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company's official website is
What industry does MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company belong to?
MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company is in the industry ofIndustrial Machinery Manufacturing
What does MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company do?
MuConseil est la Junior-Entreprise de l'ENSMM, c'est une association loi 1901 à but non lucratif et à vocation économique. Née de la volonté de 4 élèves ingénieurs de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de M...
What specialty does MuConseil, the E.N.S.M.M Student Company have?
Mechanical engineeringInformaticselectronicsCAOFAO
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