Reach Your Top Prospects Anywhere, Anytime

Easy and free to install!Make your browser better, simpler find prospects in seconds. Three core features: TalentAI , ContactFinder and MarketInsight.

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Overall rating 4.7/5GDPR aligned & CCPA compliant

How AroundDeal Extension Works?

Install in seconds, find emails instantly and access anywhere online.



Install the AroundDeal Extension to your browser, it's 100% free.



Go to LinkedIn, Salesforce / HubSpot, or any company website.



Click on the green icon/embedded button to open.



Instantly access all prospects' information within seconds.

Loved by Sales and Marketing Professionals

Our top-ranked sales intelligence solution is beloved by users for its accurate data, user-friendly interface, and advanced features.


AroundDeal on LinkedIn, powered by ChatGPT

Free Talent and Buyer Finder - For Recruiters & Sales

on LinkedIn Jobs Page

TalentAI - Your 1st-choice AI candidate sourcing tool on LinkedIn, combining the unique power of ChatGPT and human intelligence with the AroundDeal global database. You can effortlessly access best-fit talent recommendations and their contacts. Simplify global hiring effortlessly!

Learn More: TalentAI Solution

on LinkedIn Profile Page

on LinkedIn Search Results Page

on LinkedIn Jobs Page
Find Contacts on their company website

AroundDeal Everywhere

Find Contacts on their company website

When you browse targeted customers' company websites, you can get their buying committee's contacts at scale simply by clicking the AroundDeal icon to enable this feature. That helps build more and better relations and makes selling so much easier.

AroundDeal on CRM

Find Contacts on your CRM

Find and enrich all your potential opportunities on your Salesforce or HubSpot without ever leaving the platform - in a more efficient way. AroundDeal Chrome Extension can immediately empower your current tool and optimize your existing workflows.

Find Contacts on your CRM

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find Leads in 1 Click

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