

A Okena is a wastewater treatment plant providing environmental destination for raw industrial wastewater. We recognize the interdependence and believe in the power of business and the human being to...load more

Okena's Basic Information

Environmental Services
Itapevi, São Paulo, Brazil
Founded Year
11 - 50 ( View All )
Deságue de lodoEmergências ambientaisTransporte, tratamento e destinação de efluentes industriaisTransporte, tratamento e destinação de emulsões oleosasTransporte e tratamento de efluentes gráficos, ácidos e alcalinosNovo jeito de fazer negócios - com as pessoas em primeiro lugar

Okena's Competitors

VanMars Drilling Ltd.
VanMars Drilling Ltd.

View all employees
Lonestar Ecology, LLC
Lonestar Ecology, LLC

Pasadena, California, United States

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Employee Insights

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Okena's Top Employees


Francisco Teixeira de Goeye


Phone Email


Rodrigo Jobim

'Make It Happen' Director (Diretor Executivo)

Phone Email


Lucila Araujo

Head OF Finance

Phone Email


Lucila Meirelles

Head OF Finance

Phone Email


Clineu Santos

Diretor de Alianças Estratégicas e Novos Negócios

Phone Email

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Okena

Where is Okena's headquarter located?
Okena's headquarter are located at Brazil.
How many employees does Okena have?
Okena has 11 - 50 employees.
What is Okena's official website?
Okena's official website is
What industry does Okena belong to?
Okena is in the industry ofEnvironmental Services
What does Okena do?
A Okena is a wastewater treatment plant providing environmental destination for raw industrial wastewater. We recognize the interdependence and believe in the power of business and the human being to...
What specialty does Okena have?
Deságue de lodoEmergências ambientaisTransporte, tratamento e destinação de efluentes industriaisTransporte, tratamento e destinação de emulsões oleosasTransporte e tratamento de efluentes gráficos, ácidos e alcalinosNovo jeito de fazer negócios - com as pessoas em primeiro lugar
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