
Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd

Zohnson lighting co.,ltd is headquartered in Guangzhou. It is a national high-tech corporation that specializes in R&D, production, and sales of the LED light. We believe in “Quality and innovation, a...load more

Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's Basic Information

Semiconductor ManufacturingAppliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Zhongshan, Guangdong, China
Founded Year
51 - 200 ( View All )
led lightled manufacturer

Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's Competitors

Madison University High School
Madison University High School

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

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Aalborg, North Denmark, Denmark

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Employee Insights

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Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's Top Employees


Lynjoce Wu

International Sales Department--Export Manager

Phone Email


Olivia Chou (Zohnson Lighting)

Senior Manager Export - International Sales Department

Phone Email

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd

Where is Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's headquarter located?
Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's headquarter are located at China.
How many employees does Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd have?
Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd has 51 - 200 employees.
What is Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's official website?
Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd's official website is
What industry does Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd belong to?
Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd is in the industry ofSemiconductor ManufacturingAppliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
What does Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd do?
Zohnson lighting co.,ltd is headquartered in Guangzhou. It is a national high-tech corporation that specializes in R&D, production, and sales of the LED light. We believe in “Quality and innovation, a...
What specialty does Zohnson Lighting Co.,Ltd have?
led lightled manufacturer
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