
Adrian Gregorek

Senior Analyst, Natural Gas Trading at Shell

Adrian Gregorek's Business Contact Information

Business Email
Personal Email
Direct Phone
+1 28********
United States

Adrian Gregorek's Current Company Information

Oil and Gas
London, United Kingdom
Over 10,000 ( View All )

People Named Adrian Gregorek

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View Adrian Gregorek's Colleagues

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Kenneth Nahar
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Yushu Wang
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Stella Stella.Steven
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Daniel Lebeouf
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Adrian Gregorek

What company does Adrian Gregorek work for?
Adrian Gregorek works for Shell
What is Adrian Gregorek's role in Shell?
Adrian Gregorek's role in Shell is Senior Analyst, Natural Gas Trading
What is Adrian Gregorek's business email address?
Adrian Gregorek's business email address is a*****
What is Adrian Gregorek's personal email address?
Adrian Gregorek's personal email address is a*****
What is Adrian Gregorek's phone number?
Adrian Gregorek's phone number is +1 28********
Where is Adrian Gregorek's based?
Adrian Gregorekis based in United States
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