
Sara León-Prado Aladzeme

Gerente de Administración y Finanzas CFO at San Martín Contratistas Generales S.A.

Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's Business Contact Information

Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's Current Company Information

People Named Sara León-Prado Aladzeme

Sara Ismaeel
Sara Ismaeel
Radiographer Phone Email
Sara Fasolo
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Correttrice DI Bozze, Indicista Phone Email
Sara Salgado
Sara Salgado
tà cnica de servià o social Phone Email
Sara Ramírez
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Auxiliar Administrativo - Arquitecto Técnico Phone Email
Sara Webb
Sara Webb
Singer AND Songwriter Phone Email

View Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's Colleagues

Marco Gomez
Marco Gomez
Supervisor DE Perforacion Y Voladura Phone Email
Jose Vilavila
Jose Vilavila
Jefe DE Guardia Mina Tajo Abierto Phone Email
Allison Guerra
Allison Guerra
Selección Phone Email
Johny Pablo
Johny Pablo
Administrador DE Obra Phone Email
Alcides Pacheco
Alcides Pacheco
Operador DE Volquete AND Camion Minero Fuera DE Carretera Phone Email
Omar Condori
Omar Condori
Soldador Calificado Phone Email
Juan Saveedra
Juan Saveedra
Asesor en Seguridad, Salud Ocupacional y Medio Ambiente Phone Email
Frank Tantalean
Frank Tantalean
Supervisor HSE Phone Email
Johny Callupe
Johny Callupe
Administrador DE Obra Phone Email
Hector Montes
Hector Montes
Operadpr DE Camion Pesado Phone Email

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sara León-Prado Aladzeme

What company does Sara León-Prado Aladzeme work for?
Sara León-Prado Aladzeme works for San Martín Contratistas Generales S.A.
What is Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's role in San Martín Contratistas Generales S.A.?
Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's role in San Martín Contratistas Generales S.A. is Gerente de Administración y Finanzas CFO
Where is Sara León-Prado Aladzeme's based?
Sara León-Prado Aladzemeis based in Peru
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