If you want to try the AroundDeal feature but need credits to use it. Allow me to demonstrate how you can obtain free credits to enhance your overall experience. In this guide, we will explore four effective methods to help you expand your free credit.

Install the AroundDeal Extension and Sign Up.

If you install the AroundDeal Extension (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) and Sign Up, you'll get 3 credits.

After installing the AroundDeal extension, navigate to the complete personal screen of the individual you intend to contact. Locate the "AroundDeal Extension" and click on it.

Perform a search, click the AroundDeal green icon on your right-hand side to open the extension, and then click the "Show Contact" button.

When the option to "Start Free Trial" appears, click on it.

This will take you to the sign up page. There, you just need to sign up for an AroundDeal account using your email address. Once you're registered and logged in, go back to LinkedIn.

Click on the Extension button at the top right corner, and select the AroundDeal Extension. You'll see that you've received three credits. These free credits are only available for users who install the AroundDeal extension.

Bind A Card on AroundDeal

If you bind a card on AroundDeal, you'll get 5 free credits.

Once you have registered for your AroundDeal account, click on "Login". Next, Search for the contact you want and click on the "Show Contact" button.

Then you just need to click on "Start Trial (5 Free Contacts)".

Finally, select the card you wish to bind in the payment method and proceed with the binding. Upon successful binding, you will receive 5 free credits and a 7-day free trial of AroundDeal.

Sharing with Friends

If you share the AroundDeal Extension with friends, you will receive 5 free credits, up to a maximum of 25 credits.

If you have had a positive experience using the AroundDeal Extension, you can share it with your friends. By doing so, you can invite them to sign up for the extension and enjoy its benefits as well.

Just open AroundDeal Extension, click the "free credits" button, and share the referral link with friends to earn credits.

Write A Five Star Review

If you write a five-star review for G2 or the Chrome Web Store, you will get 15 or 5 credits respectively. If all of you leave a comment, you will get 20 credits.

First of all, visit the official website of AroundDeal. Then, log in to your registered account with AroundDeal.

Once you have logged in, navigate to the product screen and click on "Account" located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Next, select the "get free credits" button from the displayed list.

Upon entering the "get free credits" screen, you will see a clear overview of the tasks available to earn credits.

This is depicted in the accompanying picture, providing you with two options.

Option 1: You will earn 15 credits, follow these steps.

  1. Write a five-star review for G2.
  2. Send an email to support@arounddeal.com with the title of your review and your email address.
  3. The support team will manually locate your review and add 15 credits to your account.

Option 2: You will earn 15 credits. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Write a five-star review for the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Email support@arounddeal.com with the title of your review and your email address.
  3. The support team will manually find your review and credit your account with 15 credits. Remember to follow the specific instructions for each platform to ensure your credits are added successfully.

"Is there a limit to the number of credits I can receive?"

Yes, there is a limit of 30 credits for submitting a review. This means that you can earn up to 30 credits for writing a five-star review and following the email instructions mentioned above.

Note: Please ensure that you write a genuine and honest review reflecting your experience with AroundDeal. Attempts to abuse the system or submit false information may result in the loss of earned credits or other consequences.

Both of the aforementioned methods will enable you to obtain free credits, so don't delay and give them a try now.For further assistance or any questions regarding the review credits, please contact our support team at support@arounddeal.com.