The Power of Email Marketing Automation: Enhancing Lead Nurturing And Conversions

04 Mar 2024

By AroundDeal

The power of email marketing is well-known to digital marketers. Emails are a great way to introduce your brand to new leads and guide them through the sales funnel. They can be used after any point of contact to follow up on the interaction.

Naturally, that makes them great at lead nurturing as well. Lead nurturing is the blanket term for all processes that lead to a sale. That includes lead generation and lead conversion.

If you are a salesman or a marketer, you know that most customers are not ready to commit to a sale right after they learn about a brand. It takes time for them to come around and make a conscious decision to make a purchase.

“Bringing them around” is done via lead nurturing. Let’s see how email automation helps with lead nurturing.

How Does Automation In Email Marketing Help Lead Nurturing

Here are some ways in which email automation can help with lead nurturing.

1. Automation Allows For Seamless Drip Campaigns

A drip campaign is basically a tactic where emails are sent to leads after a certain amount of time has passed. The main purpose is to keep reminding the lead about your brand so that when they do have to avail of your services, they know where to look.

Normally, drip campaigns are hard to do because manually sending emails to hundreds of clients is not feasible. But with email automation that becomes a trivial task. It is no secret that emails are not completely handwritten. Liberal use of templates and generated emails is common in the industry.

So, what’s wrong with scheduling them automatically too? Nothing. However, these emails should have some human involvement, as providing a personalized experience goes a long way in lead nurturing.

Long story short, email automation allows marketers to engage in drip campaigns to ensure that customers never forget your brand. As a result, they become more likely to convert later on.

2. Set-Up Behavioral Triggers

Email marketing often comes after lead generation. That’s because emails are known to be better at lead nurturing than other methods. The only other method that comes close is content marketing. 

Anyway, the point we are trying to make is that with emails, it is easier to follow up on leads and get them to convert. One of the better ways of going about this is sending emails after the lead has taken some specific action.

Naturally, that requires that you somehow track the lead on your platform.  This is known as sending emails on specific behaviors that count as triggers.

Here is an example of a behavior trigger. Let’s say a lead goes to your website, they already have an account and they add something to their cart. But they do not purchase it immediately. This is a trigger.

A competent salesman will send an email to the lead offering a discount or a bundle related to the item in the cart in a bid to get them to convert. If things go right, that is a converted lead, there it can be considered successfully nurtured.

That was only one trigger. There are many different types of triggers and manually following them up is impossible. But with email automation, you can set up a system to detect triggers and immediately follow up with a relevant email.

3.Personalize Emails According To Audience Persona

Emails are so successful because of their potential for personalization. People love it when they think brands are talking to them rather than talking at them. Personalization gets that feeling across admirably.

But once again, the difficulty is that writing so many personalized emails manually is not possible. No matter how niche your product or service may be, you will always get a diverse range of audiences with their own preferences and likings.

With email marketing automation that is possible. But first, you need different audience personas. Different personas may differ in things like how they like their content, do they want a formal tone or a casual one, more readable or less readable. You can set up the automation system to write emails using a reword tool to cater to each person's liking.

Using an API of a reword tool, you can integrate it into the email automation system and have it create personalized emails for every audience type. This helps in lead nurturing as each recipient gets an email that is to their liking and evokes positive emotions in them.

4. Automation Helps With Monitoring Analytics

Lead nurturing is all about checking what works and what does not. That means a marketer has to take note of failed attempts and successful attempts and try to paint a better picture of the efficacy of their marketing tactics.

We have been touting the benefits of email marketing, but poor emails get left unread all the time. Minimizing the rate of unread emails is necessary for the success of lead nurturing through email marketing.

Using automated email marketing means that you have to use a system that takes care of the automation. Such systems are often outfitted with analytical software that can track performance metrics such as the open rate, click-through rate, and revenue generated by emails.

By monitoring and analyzing these metrics, automated systems can help marketers learn the weaknesses of their strategy and patch them. Ultimately, this helps you create better email marketing strategies.

5. Lets You Nurture Leads At Scale

As your company grows, you need to scale your operations with it. That includes your lead nurturing efforts too. With automated email marketing, scaling becomes easier as it is simply a question of setting up systems rather than hiring more people.

With automation, you can set up an emailing system that works 24/7 without requiring explicit input from a human. That helps you to stay on top of lead conversion opportunities by programming behavior triggers.

Suffice it to say, you will not be letting opportunities simply pass by. Naturally, that will help you stay on top of your lead nurturing efforts as well.


There you have it, the power of automated email marketing for lead conversions and nurturing. Emails can be personalized quite easily and with automation in the mix, running drip campaigns and responding to behavior triggers.

This helps you stay on top of leadconversion opportunities and greatly improve your lead nurturing efforts.


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